Thursday, September 17, 2015

Personal Statement

The idea of "success" is vague because it can be interpreted differently by each and every person. One person's thought of succeeding may be very different from another, but to me, the idea of success means to achieve the goals that one holds near. This may mean that success to one person is making 1 million dollars, it may mean getting straight A's while it also may just mean providing for one's children. I feel that the ambiguity within the principle of success is what makes it applicable to every single person because everyone strides to accomplish something in their life, no matter how meager that goal may be. Goals are what push people beyond what they are in the present. Some say that living life in the now is stupid, but the choices and decisions that a person makes in their life right now is something that can drastically develop who they become in life. The "law of attractions" is an idea that basically says, if you want something so bad it will eventually come to you. This idea can be considered possible because the "goal" that one sets and that one wants so badly will influence choices in the future with regards to this goal.

1 comment:

  1. There is something very relativistic about the idea of goals, especially in that we as a society these days tend to want to say that you're the one who measures whether you've achieved the goal you've set or not. So if we strive low, we achieve a great deal, but if we set the bar really high, we could count ourselves failures our entire lives. I'm not sure what I'm getting at, other than it's something to think about, whether there's some normative sense of the right kinds of goals, and how to measure success. Just something to think about :)
